Jorge Artola's profileNutone's profile

Cheese Please

We're very excited to share this project with all of you: Cheese Please. The first collaboration between partner studios Noobware, Binalogue and Nutone. Cheese Please is an awesome, pretty and addictive game which is now available worldwide for iPhone and iPad and will soon be released for android devices.

Game overview
Cheese Please is a turn based puzzle game where you play ‘Lola’ – a cute, fluffy mouse. Your mission in life, as for most rodents in the world, is to eat as much cheese as you can possibly get your hands on. It's not going to be easy though. You are stuck inside a maze and there are traps everywhere. As if that was not enough the walls around you rotate as you move, constantly changing the maze and therefore the path you have to follow to get out alive with as much cheese as possible.

Please find the complete set of credits at the bottom of the page.
Game Concept
Andrés Ortega

Executive Direction
David Carrizales

Technical Direction
David Moncayo

Level Design
Andrés Ortega

PR & Communication
Marcus Stenbeck

Creative Direction
Andrés Ortega
David Carrizales

Art Direction
Jorge Artola
David Carrizales

David Moncayo
Marcus Stenbeck
Pedro Abreu
Maria Granadino

Design & Illustration
Jorge Artola
Inzar Zamora
Samuel Alegre

Lionel Jimenez
Inzar Zamora

Music, sound design and production
Claudio Bonaldi

Lola’s Voice
Claudio Bonaldi

Trailer Voice Over
Marcus Stenbeck

Character development
Andrés Ortega
David Carrizales
Facundo Samman

Concept Art
Facundo Samman

Luis de la Barrera - Montenegro

Marcus Stenbeck
David Carrizales
Andrés Ortega

Beatriz Romero

Powered by Cocos 2d

Published by Gamevil Inc.

Version 1.0 Copyright Noob Ware SL 2012-2013 by Noob Ware SL All rightsreserved
Cheese Please

Cheese Please

Cheese Please is a turn based puzzle game where you play ‘Lola’ – a cute, fluffy mouse. Your mission in life, as for most rodents in the Cheese P Read More
