The Umbrella Game is a 3d game built using the Unity game engine. It was designed and developed by myself and Stephen Larkin as the major project for our MSc in Creative Digital Media in DIT. 
In the game the player takes control of Molly the Brolly, an umbrella who lives in a boring black and white world. She longs to break away and be free to soar amongst the clouds. One day during a storm she is swept into the sky. While exploring the open sky she discovers a group of islands rich in colour. She is told that she can only stay on these islands if she becomes colourful. By completing small tasks for the inhabitants Molly is rewarded in a different colour for her top sheet. By the end of the game she is bright and vibrant, just like the islands she now lives in.
Below is the trailer made for the game using Premier Pro.
The above image is a storyboard I designed to explain the premise of the game. Below is the intro start screen followed by some in-game screenshots. 
The Umbrella Game

The Umbrella Game

A 3d game built for my MSc final project in DIT. The website is available at - The game can be downloaded at Read More
