MYWAY - Informazione e orientamento per un'esperienza gluten free


My bachelor thesis consisted in a system of wayfinding and a freepress about restaourants that offer gluten free cucine. My work was a part of a bigger project (MYWAY) that I realized in a group of three girls for the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale. We created a system based on a website, an application, wayfinding and a freepress wich aim was to help celiac people to learn more about the gluten free restaurants world, where to find them and enjoy eating out. The entire system was also promoted by a videospot .

Group members
L.M.Uguzzoni, C.Riente, I.Tabasso
V.L.Bucchetti, U.Tolino, E.Ciravegna
Politecnico di Milano
Bachelor thesis

Bachelor thesis

Bachelor thesis on a system wich aim is to inform and help people with celiac desiase with the trouble of going out eating.
