Ping Chen Chen's profile

~2015 Personal Works - Poster(III)


Size:84(H)x 59.4(W)cm
Designer:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen​​​​​​​ & 楊順銘 Xavier Yang​​​​​​​


On March 11, 2011, a huge earthquake in Japan caused a nuclear power plant reactor explosion, with nuclear leaks and other accidents. For those people who experienced the disaster, their physical and mental scars may never heal.​​​​​​​
Compared to my previous works, I put more emotion in the production of this poster. After trying various methods, I finally decided to soak the poster in sea water, using the sea as a pigment, with real marks replacing computer processing of color effects, thus enhancing the visualization of the terrible disaster.​​​​​​​
Mutual & External

Size:84(H)x 59.4(W)cm
Concept:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen
Designer:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen​​​​​​​ & 楊順銘 Xavier Yang


A major disaster occurred a few years ago in Japan. During the disaster, seeing people still behaving orderly and maintaining self-discipline was very impressive to me. In Taiwan, we were deeply moved and decided to make this poster.
We created an image of several hands holding each other to portray the Chinese character “互” which represents “mutual.” By adding a red circular dot in the middle of this image, which represents the flag of Japan, the combined image portrays the character “亙” which represents the word “eternal.” We created the symbolism of hands holding each other forever.​​​​​​​
The Essential

Category:Series Poster
Size:84(H)x 59.4(W)cm
Designer:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen​​​​​​​ & 楊順銘 Xavier Yang


Water issues in recent years have received more and more attention, but despite what news media or experts have focused on, most people living in developed countries are still not aware of the importance of water resources.
Therefore at first, we wanted to portray in the image, in addition to the earth cracking, a water faucet with a shortage of water and other common expressions, letting elements (of people) appear in the graphics.
We know that the human body is made up of 70% water. Without water, trees will dry out and die, and so will people.​​​​​​​
~2015 Personal Works - Poster(III)

~2015 Personal Works - Poster(III)

~2015 Personal Works - Poster(III) (~2015 個人作品 - 海報III)
