This claw we will be making a mould and cast of.
First I need to fill in all the gaps thatwould make bubbles when filled.
Now we add this chunk of clay as a pour spout to the highest part that has the least amount of information, and elevate the lowest end so we can have a center line going across the whole thing.
We build a thick border around the claw so that the mould will be sturdy.
I add these dents to help the mould stay closed and not slip when closed.
This wall is made high enough so that the silicone will be able to cover the whole thing and not over flow.
I add this clay around the bottom so that if any of the silicone leaks it won't lose too much and not be thick enough.
Now I make the silicone resin.
I have to carefuly mesure the two parts so that it sets properly.
Now I put it in a deoxigenizing chamber to remove the air from it so that it won't have air bubbles inside of it.
Now I pour the silicone.
Now I leave it to set over night.
Now that it has set I can make the other half.
Just like the last time I build a wall around  but this time I add a seperator of accetone to the side I hae the dents in it so the mould won't close into one solid peice.
Now that both halfs have set I cut out peices of wood to the shape of the mould.
I tape the mould closed so that it will not leak when I add the epoxy resin
Now I set up to make the cast. This is a two part epoxy resin and dye.
I add the dye to one of the two parts.
I mix it thoroughly so that there are no streaks in it.
Now I add the other half and we mix it together.
Now I pour the epoxy into the mould.
I knock the mould so that any air bubbles trapped inside will get dislodged and flow out.
Now we put the mould into a pressure chamber so that any bubbles left in it will be shrunk down.
After waiting for it to set we can remove it and the cast is done.
Just a compairison to the origional.
Moulding and Casting

Moulding and Casting

Moulding and casting process of a claw


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