Dreampire project
"The Dreampire project record people's dreams and create popular exhibitions out of it in different cities (Berlin, London, Budapest, Jakarta) We already have 3000 dreams. In the end it will be an online collection, a base of interdisciplinary studies and a social network, what connects the people who have similar symbols in their dreams. "

"This time local painters, designers, animation artists will create works based on the dreams and it will be accompanied by a dance-music improvisation."  (Linda Koncz,2015)
Este conjunto de trabalhos estive patente na Exposição coletiva Dreampire 2ª edição (Lx factory . Open day, Novembro 2015;
BUS – Paragem Cultural, Novembro 2015; GivLowe Art Gallery, Janeiro 2016)
"Super evil force I"
Ref:  https://vimeo.com/142052182
"Super evil force II"
Ref: https://vimeo.com/142052182
"Take care of me! I "
Video ref: https://vimeo.com/141157252
"Take care of me! II "
Video ref: https://vimeo.com/141157252



Dreampire Exhibitions
