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Eco-friendly packaging for UGRA PLIT

Eco-friendlypackagingfor UGRA-PLIT
merchandising & packaging solutions
   Our client and good friend Ugraplit (CPD Production) clearly understands, that the key benefit of CPD production is the sustainability. They tend to be customer-focused in their business dealings and form partnerships with their customers to drive eco-efficiency in production process and packaging choices. They asked us to find the way to demonstrate this issue.
    Course, a sustainability is the key trend for modern society. That is why we suggested them to draw attention to eco-friendly issues by giving "sustainable presents" to their partners.
    So, we started to think about environmentally friendly packaging solutions for merchandising in that case. Firstly, due to it should be advertising platform we choose the carton as basis material.  Secondly, choosing merchandising stuff, we mix technology and eco-friendly materials. To crown it all, we connect all this elements  by unique design principals and branding.
Ourcommon goal in this project remains a desire to create positiveenvironmental change through sustainable, eco-efficient businesspractices and products.

design strategy: Sitnikova Dasha
design principals&branding: Belyakov Alexander
package design: Chukaev Alexey
photo by  Makarov Vladimir

Eco-friendly packaging for UGRA PLIT

Eco-friendly packaging for UGRA PLIT

merchandising & packaging solutions
