27 in. x 95.25 in. Poster folded down into a 5 in. x 9 in. book accompanied by a web page. TIME is a mixed media project incorporating experiments in typography, audio, and motion graphics. The content of the text is a transcription of the Radiolab podcast, Time.

A concept that stood out to me that they had mentioned was the perception of time and how it differs between living things. A whale perceives time so much slower than a human being, and yet, a hummingbird percieces time so much faster. This idea captivated me and I was inspired to control the audience's sense of perception in an attempt to express the idea visually. Inside the book is a smaller book. The text is the transcpript in three different font sizes. One small, medium, and large. When presented to the audience, they found that when reading from the smaller text, the book "ended" relatively quickly. The same was found from reading the medium sized, though it took slightly longer. The large text, however, does not get the chance to finish in the smaller book, though it consumes the space occupied by the other sizes. A coninuation of the text at this font sized would have simply been a book with a large amount of pages, and I made the decision that I needed to get the point across more concisely as it was text that the audience had already read. The result was a nearly eight foot long poster that stretched out pages of text into a single sheet that would take a considerable time to read. These three font sizes work together to illustrate how perception works. I had then pulled a quote from the podcast that tied up my findings into a single sentence that works universally between beings. The book itself had been naturally weathered to emphasis the "passage" of time

However, this was not enough as I had a desire to express the concept via other senses. I created a splash page with three marquees of the same text from the podcast scrolling at three different speeds and at three different sizes. I also had slowed down and speed up the audio of the podcast and mixed the three different speeds together. I then added directional effects to allow for the audience to easily pick and choose which speed they want to listen to. The audio and motion come together to form a dynamic experience that touches on additional senses to broaden accessibility to the concept.

This piece both has received the Stedman Art Award and been purchased by the Stedman Art Gallery in 2015.


27 in. x 95 1/4 in. Poster folded down into a 5 in. x 9 in. book accompanied by a web page (slower internet connections may have trouble loading Read More
