UNCG in 3
Website, Print, and Multimedia Campaign

UNCG in 3 is an initiative at the UNC at Greensboro to create a 3-year track for motivated students in select majors. I produced all of the designs for the web site and marketing campaign to promote this program which is in it's 2nd year.  

The campaign featured both online and print components, included a web site, post cards, a brochure, multiple newspaper ads,  animated FLASH banner ads, Facebook ads, a mobile version of the home page, and promotional materials. 
This full page newspaper ad appeared in the Greensboro Times. 
An alternate homepage for mobile devices to make it easier to view the video and fill out the form. 
After making an animated banner ad in Flash, we converted it to a movie that would appear at the front end of YouTube videos as a bumper ad.  
UNCG in 3

UNCG in 3

This project was created to promote UNCG in 3, an accelerated degree program for UNC Greensboro.
