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Inner Mirror Healing A Spiritual Journey!

 Inner mirror healing is a technique one may use to modify ones life and enviroment in a positive way. Inner mirror healing is helpful in assisting one through affirmation therapy and meditation through the use of using simple mantras. A mantra is a short positive pharse repeated over and over in ones mind to stay focused in a positive manner. One meditates on the mantra while focusing on what type of healing one desires within ones life.  The steps for inner mirror healing are very simple, just follow the steps below.
      The steps for inner mirror healing:1. Create a special image in your mind, a comfort zone known as your safe place.2. Repeat a mantra over and over in the silence of your mind. i.e. peace, love and harmony.3. Meditate on the mantra while focusing on the healing you desire. i.e. spiritual, emotional, physical.  
 Following the steps above and breathing normally you will feel the stress release and the rension leave. The world in which we live is a very stressful place; everyone lives a very fast paced life and does not take enough time to enjoy life. Life is to short to let ourselves get over involved in work and other activities which take us away from our families, friends and loved ones. Life is difficult enough, It is stated in the Holy Bible iproverbs 30:5 " Every word of god is pure, he is a shield unto them that place their trust in him." (King James Version) I have found this to be very true within my own life; My life has not always been the happiest or the healthiest. However, Through much needed prayer and through a great deal of faith I am still here today alive and happy to be living. Inner Mirror Healing is also having faith in something, faith plays a great deal in our lives more than we will ever know or understand. Faith and Humility go hand in hand; we as christians have read many times I am sure about the last supper which was the institution of holy communion and also christianity as we know it today; After Christ broke bread with his disciples he washed their feet and dryed them with a towel.
 Christ humbled himself by the washing of the disciples feet, for he was and always will be teacher and lord. then he told his disciples they should be willing to do the same for others. There are times in our lives when we become so very stressed and angrey we say things without thinking and hurt those we love; after we apologize and work through those difficult times we to realize we were also humbled through our own experience. These experiences assist us in our growth process, however, instead of having to be humbled by making an apology for hurting someone by something we said becaused we were stressed and angrey, we should be willing to humble ourselves in other ways which prove our love for those we care for. This is why I give you this technique to assist you when your stressed keeping in mind never to allow yourself to say or do anything you will regret later on. For there will come a time when you hurt someone so much they will desire never to have nothing to do with you again because you will have lost their trust.
 Inner Mirror Healing is also meant to bring out ones more sensitive side and assist one in becoming more understanding and loving. Inner mirror Healing also assists with ones spirituality and holistic well being. It assists us with our spirituality in the since which it draws us closer to our god, or higher power, Christ himself.It over time allows us to live a altruistic and christocentric life, placing all others before ourselves and centering our lives on christ. Always remember the following "Everyone is a unique and unrepeatable gift from god which can never be duplicated, everyone is a gift from god to all who cross their path." Cardinal Abbot Thomas Biddinger, Ph.D., ULC'
  I send you my blessings and hope you have enjoyed reading this article, I hope it has given you some new insights and I hope it proves to assist you with you holistic well being.
May God Bless You Always!
Cardinal Abbot Thomas Biddinger, Ph.D.,
Universal Life Church
Inner Mirror Healing A Spiritual Journey!

Inner Mirror Healing A Spiritual Journey!

Inner mirror healing, three steps to releave stress.
