A Violent Balance 

In a world of globalization and modernism we can sometimes forget about the Earth that we live on and what is happening to it. As the Earth grows warmer and shifts, the climate is changing, in time creating a treacherous world for humans to live in. Beyond this tumultuous climate lies a beauty of nature that can fail to be seen by those that don't look. A violent balance between beauty, fear, and awe. 
A Violent Balance is a line of evening wear expressing the beauty beyond the fear and awe. Bold colors, distressed edges, and a mix of fabrics and textures create this expression. A Violent Balance was inspired by an erupting volcano, a raging tornado, and a bolt of lightning. The line draws upon my own closeness with nature and disasters and expresses what I want to be seen. 

A Violent Balance

A Violent Balance

Designed line with fashion concept illustrations, technical flats, pictures of completed work, and mood board


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