Light Scapes
Fascinating mistakes
I was walking around my estate during Christmas and decided to take a few photos. The previous day i has been shooting a sunset and the camera was set to take images in low light and so the shutter speed had been changed to a rather long setting and i had been shooting on a tripod.  As i took images with the camera it started to produce some fascinating things and as i took more photos i gradually developed techniques to manipulate the images by moving the camera and taking photos of certain things
 Shock me like an electric eel

Lightning Steads
Invasion of the cock like creatures
Why so stupid cupid?
Electric Landscape
Neon Flock
Spinning a web of infinity
Light Scapes

Light Scapes

A series of images of my own estate. The images are random and selected from a big bulk of work some were taken numerous times until the desired Read More
