Project of Empati Kampung Kota Competition held by Wiswakharman Expo 2013 / WEX Gajah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Prize : Top 10 Exhibited
Year  : 2013
Site   : Muharto, Malang, Indonesia

- Arsitektur Kampungan -

We try to brainstorm about 'Kampung' people called it urban slum, or junk cityspace, or slang argument about not globalized people.
But we think about humanity in architecture, about socio-cultural, about common-space, and architecture should do more than slang argument about poor people. They have a lot speciality just like us, an academic people, it's all in our earthship we live together in different cultural background.
The site is in Kampung (= urban slum settlement) Muharto, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.


Andre S
Robbani A R

Arsitektur Kampungan

Arsitektur Kampungan

Arsitektur Kampungan, Architecture for humanity, solving problems based on socio-cultural background reality
