Yassin El Hamaky's profileSalma Fareed Jalabi's profile

TedxCairo Stage "The Story"

Set, Props & Costume
Concept  Sketch

The Concept came from the power of space & the people that gathered to share creative ideas and thoughts, this is a place where ideas are generated ,using an Egyptian Modular unit " El Afas " and a natural material from our environment with low price and high affordability...to build the huge waves of ideas that came from a solid and powerful ..culture,origin & history.
Stage Before Design
Structure Sketches - Model Study
The Modular Material "El Afas"
Selected Furniture from Alchemy. Designer :Karim Mekhtigian.
The Making
The Event
The Team
Design Team:
Aicha Mansour
Salma Jalabi
Yassin El Hamaky

Execution Team:
Aicha Mansour
Salma Jalabi
Yassin El Hamaky
Ezz Osman
Nader El Saied
Nagla Ghaith

Logistics Team:
Abd El Rhman El Wirdany
& Artech Team

Stage Back Drop
Khalid el Sadiq (Theme)

TedxCairo Stage "The Story"

TedxCairo Stage "The Story"

TedxCairo Stage


Creative Fields