The project is about marine ocean plastic waste. Millions of tons of ocean plastic floating in our seas, causing harm to fish, wildlife, and damaging our environment. Based on this global issue to design "Ocean" themed shampoo bottles, a magazine, the relevant advertising campaign and several interactive cards. The purpose is to promote and enhance public awareness and understanding of marine conservation, especially for senior school students.
There are some drafts that are experimental works.
These posters' main idea is that plastic can become a deadly weapon in our ocean.
The magazine named o3, it means protect our oceans and make our ocean to zero plastic. This magazine illustrates 20 facts about plastic in our oceans.
The five interative cards illustrates marine animals have been injured by plastics, The plastic waste was drawn by pencil so people can clean them to help marine animals by erasers. Through this interactive method to tell people just take your action that can save marine animals' lives.
The bottles of shampoo are generally made of plastic, and people always throw it away optionally when finishing. The new bottles are made of wood with graphics to raise awareness about the ocean plastic waste. The main idea is that you can not stand pollotion in your hair, how about our oceans? 
"0" Plastic Ocean

"0" Plastic Ocean

According to the research, shows that just 10% of all plastic gets recycled. The remainder going to landfill and into our oceans. Therefore, ther Read More


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