J B's profile

To Do - iWatch Notification

Many people use <To-Do> application.
We use it as our productivity booster
as well as mere a  schedule tool.
When launching the application
there are several reasons as below
One, to Create the list and items
Two, to Edit the list and items
Three, to Confirm the To-Do of that day 
In a <Confirming> use case
we could think it would be more proficient
to get help from iWatch's
Notification feature
The notification message itself
could be categorized to  two or more
One, as an alarming each To-Do 
Two, as an encouragement on daily To-Do
and more..
This prototype is on the notification UI of iWatch
especially on To-Do notification
The goal of notification would be
Make users
more  intuitively and effectively
get noticed the message

Notification UI
could have many design alternatives.
it's affected mainly by
business goal & user context & contents attributes
I think
animation effects
could have an important role in notifications
because iWatch has tiny(42cm/39cm) small-area constraint 
for presenting messaging contents.
 As you might know,
even tiny variation in animation effects 
could generate different feeling & mood
for users
See examples below.
Which do you prefer as a notification message
on your daily To-Do uncompleted?

Too fussy?
Too simple ?
Nice but
little bit Complicated?

Which combination of animation/visual effects
would be more effective
in delivering To-Do encouragement message? 

I have not yet gotten the answer.  
This is just a prototype
To Do - iWatch Notification

To Do - iWatch Notification

Prototype on Notification Animation on iWATCH


Creative Fields