A typographical exploration into how by using the same type I can achieve that which is unique in everyone. Communication as a species has allowed us to find similarities and at moments combine those similarities into moments of brilliance and achievement. 
Just Like You 
what is it that brings us together, as a species? What is it that defines the humanity of our species?  Communication is key to the definition of humanity being obtainable.  With communication comes the ability to put words to objects and define our space around us.  I created a texture pattern of just so many words, and I've applied them to people from all walks of life to create a unifying imagery of humanity and a present day glimpse at that humanity. 
MS. MOSH - Just like you
Mosh is beloved across the internet for her modeling and I thought how perfect to take someone that is known and explore through the typographical experience and words how she is JUST LIKE YOU.
The way the words fell, almost in dimensional perspective.  It tooks almost half a dozen tries to get the final result. 
We all age, and it isn't just the light that makes up a person during the twillight years but the dark that shapes us.  With this image I explored the depth that darks and lights could create playing with the depth and visible edges.  I wanted the edge to define the artwork and face to draw you in with subtle greys and to make you look deep into the complexity of the type. 
THE WOMAN - Just Like You
this well known actress is everywoman, concerned, playful, and thoughtful in her presentation of herself to others.  She's a great representation of how JUST LIKE YOU she goes about her daily life. A fun picture I brought it off the page with the use of light highlights.  I created some solid greys that helped create the definition for the body out of a solid block of black.
THE GIRL - Just Like You
Is a celebration of diversity and exploration of depth that one can acheive with subtle colorings.  I wanted to bring this particular piece off the paper more, jumping through multiple layers in doing so.  To achieive this I had to explore a variety of color options.  I spent almost a day exploring the color options I had before going with an earthtone. I felt it was natural and added not dominated the painting. 
SHE'S HOT - Just Like You
It isn't action that defines an image, but how you move through an image that determines the action.  I look at this and I want to dart from top to bottom exploring the image, the depth of shadows the text creates and how the solid blacks define those shapes.  And then I want to do it again.
WALKIN - Just Like You
Christopher Walking American Actor
Typographical Exploration 
Why is Christopher Walkin Just Like You? He is because he doesn't wear pretentiousness well. He is because he is as much a solid as he is the intricate person created by the type before you.  When you look at the image, it is the movement in the type as much as the type itself that makes the man, like you.  
Dreamer - Just Like You 
David Terrazza GMcPhedrain
Photo Credit David Terrazza
Digital Illustration G McPhedrain

Dreamer Just Like You, this little girl is a dreamer and to reach her goals, just like you she is gonna have to crawl her way to the top and fight for it.  She isn't going to get her dream because it was handed to her, but because she made it happen.  The heavy lights under the eyes focus you on her determination and that face says, she is going to win. 
Clint - Just Like You Series
Typography Digital Illustration



Just Like Me a typographical exploration into humanity. Using a predetermined amount of type, and 3d mesh in PSD, what happens to unify each imag Read More
