ALS SyysScript
by Julia Sysmäläinen
“Strong Women of the North” – that is how the women from Fennoscandia have often been described. One of them was my aunt Katri from Karelia: tenecious and resolute, but liberal-minded and with a big heart. Typeface ALS SyysScript is based on Katri’s handwriting. In spite of its strong, partly peculiar visual attributes it remains unobscured and is very readable. Abundant OpenType features and numerous alternates for each character support a convincing natural look and feel.
SyysScript has strong visual attributes but is still easily readable. The font’s many OpenType features and a bundle of alternates for each character give texts written in SyysScript a very natural look.
After its release SyysScript soon became a favorite for many, so I added another style “Syysscript Eco”. Eco keeps the personal charm of the original but has more compact proportions and simplified outlines, making it more space-economical and legible in small sizes.
Character Set of SyysScript Eco (Excerpt)
Finnish brand Saarioinen
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SyysScript is the revival of a strong Carelian personality: My aunt Katri from Kontupohja had a very kind but also energetic character and her ha Read More
