Project "Surf & Bodyboard movies".
"Friends of bodyboard". 
A movie about a group of friends with over 21 years of friendship and surf together.
The recordings were made between the years 1998 and 2003 in various spots of Portugal.
This mini-movie is dedicated to my friends Paulinho, Ruizinho and Matracas.
Filmed and Edited by Erya, Produções audiovisuais.
Nuno Neves, Paulinho, Matracas, Nelson and Nuno Fontinha @ Costa da Caparica (Portugal) in August and December 2011.
Helder Mendes @ Costa da Caparica (Portugal).
Filmed and Edited by Erya, Produções audiovisuais.
Nuno Neves surfing @ Costa da Caparica with a GoPro camera.
Nuno Neves surfing in Cabo Ledo (Angola), with a GoPro camera.
Filmed and Edited by Erya, Produções audiovisuais.
Nuno Neves surfing @ Cabo Ledo (Angola) part 2, with a GoPro camera.
Small movie about a surftrip held in July 2011 near Luanda, with some friends.
Filmed and Edited by Erya, Produções audiovisuais.
Small clip in contest for the hobby "Surftotal - GOPRO / D-Marker 2011".
Filmed and Edited by Erya, Produções audiovisuais.
Surf movies

Surf movies

Project "Surf & bodyboard movies". Some surf movies that I filmed and edited.
