Beth Hall's profile

TED One Hundred

Design a catalogue for TED 2014 to celebrate the 100 best TED speakers of all time.
We were given pages of information which we had to organise and use to design the catalogue.
Collectively, the speakers have made TED known for what it is today so I wanted the catalogue to showcase this.
A list of 100 names were given, each falling into different categories. I assigned each one with a different speech bubble to create a distinction between categories. As an overview, it shows the different types of talks.
The front cover has a sleeve with a cut out of a speech bubble, to evoke how the book is about speakers.
End pages are the ‘busiest’ with various speech bubbles in a montage, emphasising that the book has many talks, all of which want to reach out to the reader.
The emphasis of this project was the typography so I wanted to keep the design of the catalogue as simple as possible. The catalogue was going to be made up of 100 transcripts and biographies so i decided I needed to include some photos of the talks so the transcript made sense while you were reading it.
The poster reflects the catalogue by adopting the same principles, such as the speech bubbles.
Thanks for looking!
TED One Hundred

TED One Hundred

2nd year project: A catalogue design for TED 2014 that would include 100 transcripts and biographies from the best TED speakers of all time. Th Read More
