This project was for web 2 we had to redesign an event site using the Bootstrap system so that it would work on mobile and desktop browsing. I chose this event and created a site where the main information that you would need was all on the front page such as parking ticket purchase and event schedual. please vist the site on your mobile as well.
This is the page you land on when you first go to the ARTSD14 site.
For more in depth information you go to The drop down menus.
The video is embeded and plays directly on the site.
this is what you see when you shink your browser.
all the same information is displayed but now verticaly. this is also what it looks like on the phone witch i will be fillming and updating later.
Thank you for veiwing and Be sure to check back soon When I have Linked the Live sight and Have a Video walkthrough Completed.
Art San Diego 2014

Art San Diego 2014

This project was for web 2 we had to redesign an event site using the Bootstrap system so that it would work on mobile and desktop browsing. I ch Read More
