Artem Afanasev's profile


FRESH Innovation concept is designed for ATLANT household appliances manufacturing facility. The management of the enterprise made an assignment to design the exterior of a washing machine fitting into functional minimalism style and considering technological capabilities of the manufacturing facility.
The formed concept includes a design, which combines geometrically concise shape and smooth streamlined surfaces.
Washing mode setup is done by means of a multifunctional programmer shaped as cylindrical grip with three in-built buttons. Washing machine switch-on and washing process start buttons are situated aside.
The offered layout of the control panel makes washing machine setup easier, more logical, and clear. Function choice confirmation is indicated by LED’s which are distributed along the control panel forming functional zones in sequence, which defines the order of washing setup from the left to the right.


FRESH Innovation concept is designed for ATLANT household appliances manufacturing facility. The management of the enterprise made an assignment Read More
