Esse é um fanart que eu fiz de Tracer, personagem de Overwatch, jogo que será lançado pela Blizzard Entertainment.
Comecei o sketch no papel, capturei a imagem e finalizei no Photoshop.
Usei o sketch inicial para separar as áreas de cor, iniciar o trabalho dos volumes e luz e sombra da figura. Depois refiz todos os traços da figura e a partir do estudo anterior, finalizei todos os detalhes, além do fundo, feito todo no PS.

This is a fanart I did of Tracer, a character from Overwatch, a game that will be released by Blizzard Entertainment.
I started sketching on paper, captured the image and finished in Photoshop.
I used the initial sketch to separate the color areas, I began the work of volumes and light and shadow. After I redid all traces of the figure from the previous study and finalized all the details.
Tracer - Fanart

Tracer - Fanart

Fanart of Tracer, from Overwatch
