B  A  A  L
meaning "Lord" in Semitic, Baal was a title
given to deities such as Hadad/Elohim
and even to the Israelite god, who also
shared the title of Elohim - "Son of El"

This is my latest Digital Illustration, depicting one who's both a Semitic/Canaanite Deity and
a major antagonist from my multimedia story project, the CUETZPALIN Mythos.
Baal is one of the many possible forms which Ohrmuz, the Elemental God of light,
manifests itself. Characterized by its horns, metallic body  and shining armor, he is
a god of electricity and lightning who also presides over the sky.
Known by many names and different faces,
Ohrmuz is the one who detains the muses and reality,
often regarded by many peoples across history as
the patron of order, balance, the speaker of truth
and the source of goodness.

Practically the leader of the Elemental Gods, it's more likely that most aspects of truth
are actually what he conveniently deems as such, and people just assimilate it their own,
as if naturally - he's a born leader.
Baal has had many powerful weapons across history, like the Bow of Anshan, the Mjölnir, the Ukonvasara
and the Verethragna Mace, but his latest and more powerful one is the Sharur  ("smasher of Thousands"),
a prodigious "Xiuhcoatl Weapon" with a lion-like face and self-consciousness, able and decided to help its master
on defeating the forces of Darkness at the time of the Frashokereti  (the major escathological event of Zoroastrian
cosmology, when Ohrmuz's battle against Angra Mainyu takes place)
The process of coloring and shading
As my latest Digital Painting, I am still seeking a style to follow.
Constructive feedback is always welcome!

Check this project also on dA


God of lightning and manifestation of the God of Light. Digital Painting, Illustration, Character Design
