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#YesAllWomen Poster Campaign

#YesAllWomen is a Twitter hashtag and social media campaign in which users share examples or stories of misogyny and violence against women. First used in online conversations about misogyny following the 2014 Isla Vista killings. YesAllWomen reflected a campaign in which women shared their personal stories about harassment and discrimination. The campaign attempted to raise awareness of sexism that women experience, often from people they know.
Using a pastiche of vintage tattoos I illustrated sexualized pin up girl with banners. These banners have different tweets that I found hash tagged with #YesAllWomen. The sexualized pin up girls on nude male and female bodies creates a contrast between the text which discusses the disadvantages women face compared to men because they are women. The poster campaign is to raise awareness of the social media movement that surrounds the hashtag.
#YesAllWomen Poster Campaign