Ho realizzato questo poster per ricordare uno dei giochi più belli
che ho avuto da bambino e che ormai hanno 50 anni. Sono animali in gesso (adesso si trovano in plastica)
che mio padre mi regalava in varie occasioni e li acquistava a Milano da Noè, un negozio storico di giocattoli.
Da qui l'idea del nome del poster. Ne ho un'ottantina. La passione per gli animali ha origini lontane.
I made this poster in order to remember one of the most beautiful toys
that I had ever owned when I was a child  and that is already 50 years old.
They are animals made of chalk (now they're available in plastic) that my father used to give me in several occasions and usually would buy them in a historic toy shop in Milan called Noè. I took from here the idea for the poster's name. I have about eighty of them. My love for animals has faraway origins.
Luca's Ark

Luca's Ark

I made this poster in order to remember one of the most beautiful toys that I had ever owned when I was a child and that is already 50 years old. Read More
