Youngster’s Sexual Health Campaign’s 
Identity and Condom Packaging
As my graduation project from Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2014, I designed and executed the visual identity and condom packaging of a sexual health campaign. The target group of the campaign was all upper comprehensive school students in Finland. The project was commissioned by the Family Federation of Finland and the other collaborative partners were the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. 
The project aimed at creating a reliable, still attractive sexual health campaign for the target group. How to find the balance between sensitivity and attractiveness without pandering or lecturing when it comes to sexual education?
The thesis was awarded for the Best of Year Scolarship and it could be found behind this link: https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/75978 , although it is in Finnish. Most of the images here are taken by Anna Niskanen.
The structure of the packaging is designed for two condoms. There are also two ways to open the packaging. Since the structure is relatively strong the packaging could be opened and closed many times so it is also possible to refill it. No need for any glue in this origami kind of structure.
The user can also surprise his/her partner by packing the condom in the middle of the packaging so it pops up while opening.


Youngster’s Sexual Health Campaign’s Identity and Condom Packaging
