Víctimas y victimarios

Victims and Victimizers

The pictures are a metaphor of pain and complexity of the armed conflict in Colombia.
War is felt at the same time for the victims and the victimizers. Both sides share the physical and psychological wounds left by violence.
The water of the rivers, which gives life and lushness to the Colombian jungle and forests, sometimes carries mutilated corpses without identity. The murderers want to dissolve in the water the evidence of their crime, and at the same time they make a warning for people living downstream.
El mar gris
Imagen perteneciente a la serie titulada "La historia del dolor"
Lápiz sobre papel
19cm x 22cm

The Grey Sea 
From the serie "The History of Pain"
Pencil on paper 
19cm x 22cm
Las bestias y la corriente  
Imagen Perteneciente a la serie titulada "La historia del dolor" 
Lápiz sobre papel
11cm x 19.5cm

The Beasts and the Stream
From the serie "The History of Pain"
Pencil on paper 
11cm x 19.5cm
El público estático
Imagen perteneciente a la serie titulada "La historia del dolor"
Lápiz sobre papel 
11cm x 19.5cm

The Static Audience
From the serie "The History of Pain"
Pencil on paper 
11cm x 19.5cm
Víctimas y victimarios

Víctimas y victimarios

The pictures are a metaphor of pain and complexity of the armed conflict in Colombia.
