The assignment was to portray the Nine Rasas of Indian Aesthetics, based on our own understanding of the same, using typographic fonts.
Rasa is an essence of an emotion which a person feels while viewing a work of art.
Adbhuta Rasa: The essence of Wonder.
Bhayanak Rasa: The essence Horror.
Bhibhatsa Rasa: The essence of Disgust.
Hasya Rasa: The essence of Laughter.
Karuna Rasa: The essence of Compassion.
Raudra Rasa: The essence of Anger.
Shanta Rasa: The essence of Peace.
Shringar Rasa: The essence of Love.
Veer Rasa: The essence of Courage.



The assignment was to portray the Nine Rasas of Indian Aesthetics, based on our own understanding of the same, using typographic fonts.
