Campaign Comics: Bandung's Fun Days

Student Project for KV 322 - Proyek DKV
Visual Communication Design
National Institute of Technology (ITENAS)
The vision of Bandung is to make the city superior, pleasant, and prosperous. To make the vision of Bandung happened, the current mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil wants to build Bandung as the best city in Indonesia, by integrating inovation, creativity, and collaboration as a core spirit, through some helps of several programmes & activities, including re-arranging the infrastructure, increasing the index of happiness, and participating in Bandung's Fun Days.
Bandung's Fun Days consists of five (5) themed days a week where all the citizens of Bandung are asked to do something fun.
#DamriGratis: Free buses for school students ranged from Primary to High School in Sunday & Thursday
#SelasaTanpaRokok: No smoking in Tuesday
#ReboNyunda: Wear Sundanese traditional outfits & speak Sundanese in Wednesday
#KamisInggris: Speak English in Thursday
#JumatBersepeda: Ride bicycle in Friday
But the problem is, there are still so many citizens that refuse to participate because they don't understand what the programme is about. Therefore, this "Campaign Comics: Fun Days" is created!
The main idea of this campaign is by using several types of comics to raise people's awareness in order to participate in Bandung's Fun Days. This comics will be spread to the general public, mainly for high school & college students in many different fun methods. We decided to use comics as our main content, because we want people to join this campaign with fun feeling & without coercion, just like the purpose of comics itself.
from left to right
Didit, 25 y.o., college student
Ceu Ety, 43 y.o., kos-kosan & warung owner
Putri, 21 y.o., college student
A Lim, 25 y.o., college student
from left to right
Pak Indro, 45 y.o., Pak RT
Budi, 21 y.o., college student
Eja, 9 y.o., primary school student & Ceu Ety's son
Anis, 17 y.o., high school student & Ceu Ety's daughter
Mang Udin Sedunia, 38 y.o., tukang jualan
Inspired by the reliefs in temples, relief comic is a type of comic that consists of 1 (one) long image with many different, but continuous stories.
Social Media
Competition Posters
T-Shirt & Goodie Bags
Contributing Team
Faradilla Nurmaliza
Project Leader
Muhammad Laili
Documentation Portfolio
Cicha Cyntia Fatmawati
Creative Management
Raisa Ramdani
Technical Management
Abiyasa Adiguna Legawa
Project Planner


Aditya Januarsa, M.Ds.
Rosita Hardiyati, S.Sos., M.Ds.
Campaign Comics: Bandung's Fun Days

Campaign Comics: Bandung's Fun Days

Student Project for KV 322 - Proyek DKV The vision of Bandung is to make the city superior, pleasant, and prosperous. To make the vision of Band Read More
