Brand: Flavors
Category: F&B Collaterals
Communication Objective: Coffee, the most delightful of all beverages is often taken for granted. Our client wanted us to create a menu that enticed people to experience the various forms of coffee offered. We had to design something that would tempt the consumer to lean towards coffee.
Differentiation: When it comes to coffee, it is the aroma that tempts the most. So, we handcrafted the menus with a hint of coffee. We used coffee to paint the menu thus making it irresistible. The painstaking task was heart filling when the end result was so beautiful and had the unique flavour of coffee inherent in it.
Result:People could experience the flavour and the aroma of coffee even before having a cup. The menus were an instant hit among regulars and also contributed to increasing business.
TG: Visitors to the coffee shop who are tempted by the rich aroma of the offerings.
flavours Coffe Menu

flavours Coffe Menu

When it comes to coffee, it is the aroma that tempts the most. So, we handcrafted the menus with a hint of coffee. We used coffee to paint the me Read More
