Logo Design
This summer i made a short trip to my hometown Baraolt located in transylvania. There, i met the young generation of hip hop and gangster rappers. They are young but extremely talented with words, and in thinking about society problems. One guy made a big impression on me, he is seventeen, and has been kicked out of school. The reason was his first rap song. The old and conservative school principal bullied him for the inappropriate text phrases and the message. So the young rapper quited the local school and were forced to travel to another school, located 50km far away. He told me the problems, which are related to the new school, and that from now on his possibilities to make music with his homies, are reduced, because of the distance. We talked about plans and dreams he has for the future. One phrase that made me think, was "in this shithole you dont have possibilities, rap is a valve for my thoughts and my soul. I can make people happy or angry, maybe both, this thing is greater then any job on this earth, so i will move on". I never thougt a seventeen year old guy can impress me in this way. He asked me for some creative help to create a small basic branding. So here it is what i did for him.


This summer i made a short trip to my hometown Baraolt located in transylvania. There, i met the young generation of hip hop and gangster rappers Read More


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