Exploration painting, my goal was to try different techniques and a change of scenery, charged with atmospheric emotion.
Done in Photoshop and Sketch Book Pro.
A Little Something...
Had this idea floating in my head for a while, kinda just wanted to set the mood with the string lights and sort of make them look like a replacement for stars in the night sky.
Thought it was about time for a make over! Literally spent an hour tops on this, I decided to create a logo in 3D that would hold my initials as well as a representation of my career, and of course blue is my favourite color.
Personal painting done in Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop. I used a random reference from a model grabbed from Pinterest.
Character Concept - Unnamed
I had this idea for a whimsical character stuck in my head and wanted to really work on it, something could come out of it. I sketched it first on Sketch Book Pro and then transfered it to Photoshop for coloring.
Personal project I have been working on a for a few days, I had this idea and wanted to work a little bit further on it and see it develop to a beautiful concept. 
Portrait Comission
Made entirely in Sketchbook Pro, it only took 4 hrs to make.
 Dark Star Album Art
Album art for a Dj client. Modeled in Maya then rendered and passed to photoshop for the 2D painting of characters and other elements. Total time completion 2 weeks. All the aliens that you see are freehanded as I wanted to experiment creating different creatures with different characteristics. This is the first time I have merged 3D and 2D together to create an illustration. For more info on the client and his work please visit:  http://www.judahcarvanna.co.uk
2D Art


2D Art

2D Illustrations, Ideas and some fun.
