Every person has a voice. It has become easy now for the illusion to propagate that now your voice can be heard by a large audience. The proliferation of blogs is one example of this found in cyberspace. The reaching out with public art / graffiti / wheat-pasting / etcetera is another form of this in the physical realm. Tagging a place with your personal stamp. Placing your mark on the world. Branding yourself has become very cheap and easy. The danger to consumers is one of distrust and discord. 

When I see 'Nero' tagged on an alley wall in DC, what does the person who did this want me to think? What is the information being communicated. Something is surely lost in this type of miscommunication. When someone leaves a sticker that says 'Hello my name is: CAT AIDS' the message may be clever and get a chuckle but does not affect a change in the viewer beyond the superficial. This is a sign of our info snacking ADHD culture that jumps from one thing to the next without really stopping to take the opportunity to have a genuine memorable experience. 

This ongoing project exhibits some examples that typify this new effect in the 21st century of tagging urban areas with paint / stickers / badges / QR-codes / and the like along with those examples of the messages being covered up by the nameless big brother authorities that for all intents and purposes do not really exist besides projections in our collective minds. Enjoy. 


Documenting the modern physical world tagging phenomena in differing manifestations as well as those examples of these communications being cover Read More
