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Javier Urrea Military English teacher Blog

Welcome to the my side, where you can find the most interactive Blog about one military english teacher 

I am javier urrea a military and infantry men that love speak in english since my chilhhod, I WANNA HELP YOU TO LEARN eNGLISH AND guide YOU TO BE A FOREIGN LENGUAGE SPEAKER in your maximum expresion, KEEPING HERE AND TRY TO DO YOUR BEST TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS.



Resource of task 2

What teaching methods did they use?
-the teachers that I got in my childhood were very traditional in their teaching methods, for example:
- one of their methods was a traditional use of the blackboard to write the lesson and then everyone had to answer the questions on it and then they would check it.
-The second one method I remminder was “repeat after me” the teacher said and after the rest of the class  answer with the English pronuntiation.
How did they engage students in the learning process?
--Basically the students wrote notes in their books, tried to make the correct pronunciation according to the teacher´s indications or listened differents dialogues to give then an answers to the instructor´s to differents questions.

Did they encourage creativity and critical thinking?
-they did differents ways to making didactic the class, for example making sing their students in english along the class or making pieces of puzzle with questions and answer or with conversations between the students with corrections in realtime.
What stands out about their approach to teaching English?
-the most importan thing was the patient with the students because not all of them have a capibilities to learn at the same time neither with same method or as fast as other students.
Task 3. Analyze Strengths and Weaknesses
What aspects of their teaching helped you the most in improving your English skills?
The main aspect that hlep me was the patient with me because it´s not easy when you don´t know anyhting and yo have to start from null level.
Another aspect was the didactic mood to try to understand any topic make sure that the all the students are clear in their comprenhension reggarding question with the topic.

What challenges did you face under their instruction?
The first one was to improve my english pronunciation, be cause I had to open my mouth to make differents fonetic sounds.
The second one is respect to the grammar rules, right now it´s one of  my nightmare becuase for me are too much rules to follow so I don´t make mistakes when writing.

Were there any memorable teaching moments or lessons that significantly impacted you positively or negatively?
I remmenber when I was doing the english course with my brother to improves our english skills that the teacher used to teach  didactic method with cards, those cards had different questions in different times and different ways to answer the questiones, from  short form to long form also those cards had different times to answer, but the best thing was that those cards were handmade by the teacher.
Task 4. Consider Your Perspective
What would you have done if you were the teacher facing your class of students?
- I want to start by saying that being a teacher is not easy, since you have to try to teach with different types of methods for a better understanding by each student, now, if I were in the shoes of one of my last teachers I think one of the techniques to use would be the learning by didactics tools with the intention of giving a better way to teach different topics, another is to make my class with fractions of time, first introduction by me, second workshops in class, third practice among classmates, fourth class test to know what was the comprehension on the topic of the day for example:
If a had taught English in my school, I would have maked my class didactics
If I had learned english on 2009, I woould have traveled to usa in 2019.
If my teache had given me the dictionary during the class, Iwould haved studied all the meanings of the words
If my mother had carried me to the class in my chilhood, I would not have understood how get to my school.
If I had written the verbs rules to know english, I would have improved my knowledge.

If I payed atention to my english teacher, I would have understood better the english grammar.
If my collegue camila studied maths with more attention, she would have being engineer
Essay the best version of the teacher English

To be a teacher is not easy because this profession is like a lifestyle, you have to give all of you to be an excellent guide for your students and for your colleges, additionally you must to practice too much your write, read, and grammar skills the reason why is because you will share your knowledge to others, about your personality it will be one of the most important aspect of you and it depends of what kind of students you have, if you are give lessons to students in their childhood your behavior will be different then if you are giving lessons to the teenagers but however both kinds of students are seeing you and you must guide them like a model of person.

In my opinion the best English teacher have to be a very comprehension person, he has to know every student inside the classroom and he has to identify their strengths and weaknesses, the correct teacher has to manage a good English level to clarify dues and concerns of his students, correct personal presentation, humble personality and be attentive to solve every single question to his students also he has to identify the correct mood to apply his learning methodology to be understand by the students, for example the teacher that I was when I was child were the capability to learn theirs subject with more flow because in the past there is no tools like TICs for that reason the teachers in the past had to make different methods to share their knowledge to the students, and the education was better because it was personalized.

Basically one of the most important person in our life will be a teacher, doesn’t matter if you have different way to learning you always will have a teacher present in your life, the person in charge of give you one direction in a specific topic and solve you all kind of question, if you want be a teacher you must take in account all this points and you have to know that with the change of the world for the technology, culture and other things every day will be too hard be an excellent teacher for your students therefore you have to be prepared for this.
Made by: Javier Iván Urrea Vargas
Javier Urrea Military English teacher Blog

Javier Urrea Military English teacher Blog
