kerem eray aydın's profile

Art Collage (Manifesto Below)

 Art Collage (Manifesto Below)
Manifesto of the work:

Even though humanity split from the common ancestor they shared with apes 6 to 8 years ago, they still act with the same instincts and behaviors. They may think that their technologies and civilizations have developed and place themselves in a superior position, they may even be able to walk on the moon, but what keeps humans going, both millions of years ago and today, is dopamine, that is, more bananas, and humans cannot break away from nature. In my work, a real monkey extends his hand to an astronaut monkey disguised as a human who is dissatisfied with the delusion that he is very big, and asks him to return to where he belongs.

Art Collage (Manifesto Below)


Art Collage (Manifesto Below)
