Saranya Devarajan's profile

UX Laws and Principles

Hick's Law
Hick's Law is an idea in psychology that states that users will take longer to make decisions if there are too many options.

As you can see, they have provided a menu with a well-known icon so that everyone may understand it without difficulty.
Fitts Law
The size as well as the proximity to the target determine how long it takes to acquire.

Here, it has been shown that the profiles and settings options are conveniently located.
Miller's Law
Typically, a user's working memory can only hold 7 items, sometimes just 2.

They have listed three objects and applied Miller's Law, as seen in the photo. 
Von Restoff Effects
The Von Restorff effect, sometimes referred to as the Isolation Effect, states that the object that stands out from the others in a group of similar objects is more likely to be recalled.
It features an unusual representation of a group, as the image displays.
UX Laws and Principles

UX Laws and Principles
