Design is here to stay!
The world will be different and boring without design and typography around.
Imagine a world without design? Would it survive? Would we survive?
No more captivating newspapers or books!
No more colourful posters and booklets.
We wouldn't know any news, we wouldn't have books to read.
Design is not about marketing campaigns.

It is about art and creativity, ideas and problem-solving.
Colour is there to evoke emotions, Fonts are there to evoke a sense of importance, ideas to be brought to life.
Design is a channel for expressing individuality and culture, showcasing human creativity. It sparks change and progress, making our world more beautiful and innovative.
Design influences our choices and transforms our world, making it vibrant and inspiring.
It is about ART, not about business and money.

Design is there to make changes!
Design is there to inspire others!


