Whether you believe this is a cyclops is up to you. I count one eye. My wife counts two. I should get the tiebreaking vote since I brought this guy into the world, but marriage has a way of skewing the ballot-counting.
I started by sculpting a sphere in 123D Sculpt into this:
Next, I made some color and texture adjustments in Leonardo:
Some more adjustments in PixlrExpress+ because I enjoy using multiple apps to make things unnecessarily complicated:
Finally, I added an overlay in PixlrExpress+ to get the end result.
In some ways, I feel like the apps are doing most of the heavy lifting here. It encourages me to practice drawing every day so I'm less reliant on an app to make a finished piece look the way I want. For now, I'll keep posting projects like this to help me chart my progress, both in final results and in process.


How I made something that may or may not be a cyclops.
