London Consulting Group

We position the brand in social media, unlocking its true potential, sharing its success in different industries.

Brand positioning
Strategy and content design on Facebook, Instagram y LinkedIn
Community Management

Social Media
Together with London Consulting’s Group team, we crafted and executed an intricate digital marketing strategy across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Our approach centered around distinct communication pillars, enabling us to effectively showcase the diverse array of solutions our consultancy offers and the invaluable benefits it brings to various industries.

Social Media 
Through a compelling blend of infographics, short videos, and other engaging content, we amplified the reach and impact of our client's brand. Moreover, we prioritized brand positioning, ensuring that the core values, methodology, and transformative process of the brand were prominently communicated to the target audience. This holistic strategy has proven to be a resounding success, driving exceptional results and elevating our client's presence in the digital landscape.

Social Media Strategy
Michel Cisneros
Francisco Garza

Social Media Design
Denise Ornelas
Jessica Lara

Art Direction
Elizabeth Contreras


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London Consulting Group