The Hero's Journey.


Assignment 1:
Write a short story with the hero's first step. (1 paragraph)
You pass on your story to another student and they make a storyboard of it. (3 pictures)

My story:
Hazel loved the end of the world. She knew it was supposed to be a bad thing, but she couldn't help feeling happy. The world was so much quieter and calmer now. No more cars, no more crowds, no more noise. Just nature and peace.
She had always liked nature. She liked the trees, the flowers, the animals. She liked to walk in the woods and collect mushrooms and berries. She liked to watch the birds and the squirrels. She liked to breathe the fresh air and feel the sun on her skin.
She had built a treehouse in a big oak tree near a stream. It was cozy and comfortable, with a bed, a table, a stove, a shelf full of books, and, of course a working bathroom she was very proud of that one. She had found most of the things she needed in the abandoned houses and shops. She had also made some things herself, like a blanket, a basket, and a fishing rod.
She had a cat, too. His name was Milo, and he was her best friend. He had followed her home one day, and they had been inseparable ever since. He was a fluffy orange tabby, with green eyes and a pink nose. He liked to sleep on her lap, or on the blanket in the sun. He liked to chase butterflies and mice.
Dont get her wrong she misses her family very much, its been so long since she saw them. They got separated at the beginning of what got dubbed “the end” and she has no idea to which shelter they went. Most of them are gone now anyways, not much sense in searching when she hasn’t seen another human being for over almost 2 years.
hazel and Milo had a simple and happy life. They woke up with the sunrise, and went to sleep with the stars. They ate what they found or caught, and drank from the stream. She read books while he laid on her lap, snoring in the stream of sunlight coming from the little window. She was happy, if a bit lonely.

The story i got:
“Oh god, I’m gonna be late.” She keeps mumbling as she is running out of the school. Messy blond hair following shortly behind. Relief washed over her tired face as she approaches the gate.  
“Dani! You waited for me.” The girl at the gate turns unsurprised. Her blue curls swaying behind her as she turns to stare down at her friend. 
“You know I always wait… If you really were that scared about me leaving, maybe you should get here on time.” A mischievous smile spreads across her face. “Anyway, if you’re done recollecting yourself. We should hurry, we’re going to be late to work. Again.” 
“Just.. a few more… moments… please” The shorter girl begs while she is trying to catch her breath. 
“For the love of god Evalyn.” Dani grabs Evalyn’s arm and drags her behind her as they walk off. Pulling her arm lose and walking beside Dani, Evalyn comments. “Slow down, it’s not that far.” 
“precisely, that makes it very hard to come up with believable excuses daily.” ​​​​​​​

Assignment 2:
Write a short story with the hero's second step. (1 paragraph)
You pass on your story to another student and they make 1 drawing of it. (1 frame (line-art) from the animation)

My story:
From one morning to another, hazel started noticing weird things, or rather weird sounds. Little  murmurs and high pitched sounds around the corner, what sounded like a muffled conversation outside the little bathroom window. One time she peeked outside to see if there was something there, but the only thing she saw was the backs of a lizard and a mouse, skittering away.
They were probably startled by the noise.

Hazel thought she must be hearing things, it has been a long time since she spoke to a person after all. She’s always talked to milo about these things, even if she knows he doesn’t understand. But its nice to talk to him, therapeutic even. Hazel told him about the sounds she has been hearing and about the mice outside the bathroom. She told him that he should pick up the slack and be a proper mouse hunter, hazel was not waiting for an infestation.
Even if the noises only got more frequent, she figured it wasn’t that bad, and she could live with some little voices in her head.
But one afternoon after she got back from fishing, she heard it. Clear as day. Those were voices. These were not the murmurs she’s used to hearing. No this was a conversation. Carefully setting down her bucket with the two fish she caught, she sneaked over to the window. As she was pressed to the wall under her windowsill and the vines tickled her back, hazel strained to try and hear what was being said in her little treehouse. She saw a small lizard, scurrying into her home, right through a little crack in her wall. So that’s where the bastards got in! Suddenly she got knocked out of thought by the sound of a high pitched voice saying “she’s here! She heard you!”.’

Story i got:
Ontmoeting met de mentor 
Diepe zorgen omhullen Rashid's gedachten terwijl hij 's nachts wakker ligt. Rami is spoorloos verdwenen. Hij kan zich de dag dat Rami geboren werd nog goed herinneren, want het was voor het eerst dat hij een geboorte meemaakte. Vanaf die dag heeft hij voor het babykameeltje gezorgd en raakten ze onafscheidelijk. Wetende dat Rami nu niet vredig in zijn stal ligt te slapen, blijft Rashid al woelend piekeren over wat te doen. Hoewel hij nooit ver van zijn kamp is gegaan, voelt de gedachte om alleen de woestijn in te trekken als een onoverkomelijke uitdaging. Zijn ouders waren natuurlijk bezorgd en verboden hem om te vertrekken, bang voor de gevaren die buiten de vertrouwde duinen op de loer konden liggen. Maar kan hij Rami zomaar aan zijn lot overlaten? 
Op een dag riep grootvader Rashid naar zijn hut, een plek doorgaans gevuld met de geur van kruiden en verhalen die ouder waren dan de zandduinen zelf. Grootvader, met zijn rimpelige gezicht getekend door de tijd, keek Rashid diep in de ogen en sprak met een wijsheid die alleen verkregen wordt door vele jaren leven in de uitgestrekte woestijn. 
"Rashid," begon grootvader met een zachte stem die het ruisen van de wind nabootste, "jij en Rami hebben een band die dieper gaat dan het zichtbare zand. De woestijn verbergt geheimen en kansen, maar ze zal ook haar mysteries onthullen aan degenen die er met een open hart en vastberaden geest naartoe gaan." 
Rashid luisterde aandachtig terwijl grootvader verderging. "Jij bent meer dan alleen de hoeder van kamelen, Rashid. De woestijn heeft plannen voor jou, en Rami is de sleutel tot de volgende fase van jouw reis. Laat angst je niet weerhouden. Ga de horizon achterna, ontdek wat de duinen verbergen, en vind Rami. Je draagt de erfenis van onze mensen met je mee." 
Grootvader reikte Rashid een oud kompas aan, versierd met symbolen die de oude wegen van de woestijn markeerden. "Dit zal je leiden, mijn jongen. De woestijn spreekt tot degenen die durven te luisteren." 
Met een mengeling van angst en vastberadenheid in zijn hart nam Rashid het kompas aan. Het was tijd om de veilige schaduwen van de vertrouwde duinen te verlaten en de onbekende horizon tegemoet te treden, met grootvaders wijsheid als zijn kompas in de eindeloze zee van gouden zandduinen. 🌄🐪✨ 

Assignment 3:
Write a character description of the hero in your story. (1 paragraph)
You pass on your story to another student and they turn it into 1 animation design. (1 A4 page with character design sketches)

Character description i got:
Young cat excited to walk around. He often wanders too far from home just to watch the two moons from his favorite place. 
Cat like creature with rounder head and bigger and floppy ears. Fluffy paws and tail longer than the rest of the body. Green eyes and red brown fur. Lighter stripes on his paws, head and tail and spots on the back and sides, barely visible. 
Later he becomes bigger, and stripes light up slightly. He gets claws and stronger paws resembling those of a big cat. Also gains more lion like muscles. 

Assignment 4:
Write a short story containing the hero's fourth step. (1 paragraph)
You pass on your story to another student and they turn it into 1 background animation. (1 second background loop)

 Description i got:
Het is een groot gras land waarbij in de verte grote gebergte is te zien.
Boven op de bergen is een laag sneeuw te zien dat alleen op de top zit.
Aan de voet van de gebergte is een heterogene bebossing te zien met lichte en donkere tinten groen.
Voor het bos is een klein bos hutje te zien, waar een deur en raam aan de voorkant te zijn zijn.
Het is aan het schemeren en er is door het raam dim light te zien.
Op het gras land is alleen gras te zien verder is het kaal.



Creative Fields