Stephanie Ball's profile

Oil & Water Exhibit

Senior BFA Exhibit
A dichotomy of opposite substances, they do not mix. Both of these materials are extremely valuable to our lifestyles. Oil is a substance that the world is constantly fighting over, but isn’t helping our overall economy and environment. Water is a substance that nourishes us and we need it to survive; yet we take it for granted. Oil represents the industrial world, and water represents the natural world. Humans fall between these two worlds because humans are natural, yet we create this industrial world to live in. Each piece represents the juxtaposition of oil and water. There is a presence of living beings in all of the works that creates a sense of the balance of oil and water around human beings.

Most of the inspiration behind my work come from my experiences of living in the urban setting of Denver in contrast to the time I have spent living in the rural Gunnison Valley. Part of my inspiration comes from the current “go green” trends as well as the increased environmental awareness. Some artists that have inspired my style include Gregory Tapper, Chloe Early, and Eduardo Recife, whom all use a different technique of collage. I have looked to these artists to develop my own technique of collective imagery. My works begin with photographic images that I pull apart and manipulate. I then add illustration and painting to help convey the message in the piece. 

I hope as a viewer, you can make your own interpretations of the metaphor of oil and water relating to the world we live in and the current economic and environmental trends and awareness.
Urban Blossom
Close Quarters
Tantalizing Tulips
Oil & Water Exhibit

Oil & Water Exhibit

This body of work is titled "Oil & Water" it was exhibited as part of my senior B.F.A. show and was also shown in Mochas Coffee House.
