#BYOTJa Campaign

The BYOT or “Bring Yuh Owna Tings” (Translation: Bring Your Own Things) campaign was created to encourage Jamaicans to walk with their reusable bottles, utensils, containers etc. in order to reduce their use of disposables.

"BYO Jamaica aims to reduce Jamaica’s plastic consumption and waste production by curbing the excessive use of disposables in the food and beverage industry." - www.byotja.com​​​​​​​

I was commissioned by Esirom Foundation* to create the design to brand this campaign and I am grateful to have played a part in such a wonderful initiative.

*Esirom Foundation is an nonprofit organization focused on generating opportunities around sustainable development. The organization has used this initiative to partner with several local coffee shops who have supported the cause by offering discounts to customers who bring in their own reusable items.

Follow @esiromfoundation to learn more about this environmental initiative.

#BYOTJa Campaign


#BYOTJa Campaign
