Overgrown, October, 2023
Medium: Digital
Concept Art project #2! This project was based on plants- we had to pick a word and create a vignette that expresses that word. I chose uncanny. We had to have 5 main plants, 1 filler plant, and 3 close ups. I used a willow tree, cattails, mushrooms, moss, and vines, while using tall grass for my filler plant, and decided to do close ups of the cattails, vines, and mushrooms. I used a crashed plane as my object for the plants to overgrow, and I liked how it turned out! I am still moving away from my habitual use of line, and I think it has been going well. One thing I struggle with is the use of light and how to show it coming from one source, so I want to work on that more. I thought this was a challenging project and I enjoyed the process!



Creative Fields