Creation of posters, infographics and charts prices in line with the interior design of the store, maintaining an evocative and ancient  aesthetic coordinated with the materials and atmosphere of the store.
Creació de pósters, infografics i cartes de preus en consonància amb el disseny interior de la botiga, mantenint una estètica antiga i suggerent, coordinada amb els materials i ambient de la botiga.
Some posters
Some photos of the store
The price chart, made of wood board with pad printings of the logo. The pages are made of 40 gr. sheets of paper sewn together. Covers with metallic corners.
Caviar Nacarii


Caviar Nacarii

Branding project for a Caviar trademark. Posters and infographics explaining history, types and suggestions of caviar and sturgeons. Customized p Read More
