Tragedy of Commons- Short documentary film

Tragedy  of  Commons
a short documentary film
We collaborated with the Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) to create a short documentary titled 'Tragedy of Commons,' focusing on the Bhil community situated on the outskirts of Gujarat near the Kheda Dam in the Mahisagar district. This film sheds light on various aspects, including the dam's benefits and the challenges faced in accessing common resources such as forests. These areas should ideally be accessible to the community at large, rather than being controlled by a single entity. 

In undertaking this project, we seized the opportunity to gain insights into the community's way of life, their organizational structures, and the distribution of roles and resources through mandalas, panchayats, and other mechanisms.
"We created this film to explore a society, aiming not to impose any particular opinion 
but rather to engage in an unbiased inquiry."

Photo courtesy in these slides: Adarsh Aryan
Tragedy of Commons- Short documentary film