Khemira Soobramoney's profile

05. Information Design: Infographic (REDO)

05 Information design: Infographic
Project Description 
This project was about developing a brand identity however with the help of AI to create a logo and mission statement for a company that provides a product or service. However, creative discretion and creative craftsmen is an important part of the process of this project when developing a brand with Ai. The outcome of this project is to develop a brand that encapsulates the essence with the help of a generated brand that a target audience can relate to. 
02 Infographic vertical narrative 
03 Brand image containing the logo and slogan 
Design strategy 
The first step in developing a brand is to research and gather insight. The company this brand will represent targets Gen X within the hospitality field. Supported by research and a very interesting article on a couple that booked fifty-one back-to-back cruises for their retirement as it is cheaper than retiring inland. Gen x is more competent about their finances and worried about their financial futures. This company will focus on retiring Gen X at sea.
The essence of the brand is defined by the research. Gen X is cautious, conservative and suspicious they value authenticity and transparency.  Keeping this in mind and expanding it, I proposed ChatGPT with a prompt and asked it to provide a mission and vision statement for a company whose brand is about helping Gen X retire at sea, ensuring their comfort and offering them a unique experience that they can invest and trust in. ChatGPT suggested many names like OceanVista Oasis, Horizon heaven, Nautical Nirvana and Shoreline Euphoria but the one that stood out the most and was the least cheesey, is SeaScape Serenity that got shortened to SeaScape. It also provided the following brand and mission statement.

The next step in this process was to generate a logo slogan. was the AI generator that produced the logos, as well as a colour palette. The steps taken to generate required a short description about the brand, the industry, brand characteristics as well as logo styles. It produced the following logos:
Ai generated logos.
Ai logo crafting and Ai slogans. 
Final logo and slogan.
The final logo and slogan is derived from the assistance of Ai and designerly intervention for refinement. With AI, it is necessary to give it many prompts as possible with the most specific details, I asked it to generate a slogan for Sea Scape that is a retirement company for Gen X, with just this statement alone it did not yield successful results. However, I needed to describe it further and specifying bran association, for example, this slogan must feel as trustworthy as an investment company.
02 Infographic Vertical narrative. ​​​​​​​
The purpose of the infographic is to creatively curate a reflection on the project, explaining our experience with designing with Ai. It must graphically represent the complex visual and verbal information to convey insights simply, creatively and convincingly. 
Planning of infographic vertical narrative.
The information presented in the graphic design will be laid out in a specific way in order to tell a story about the insights to gauge interest. The insights will be laid out in such a way that it represents the building of a boat. 
Redone Infographic. Please not that the blueprint patterning is not my own and is simply used for design purposes. I do not have the knowledge to produce my own. 

03 Brand image with logo and slogan. 
The brand image designed for Sea Scape is represented by a personal journal customers would receive on their first day at sea. This is for them to journal their adventures, help them relax and make every memory within their golden years last.
05. Information Design: Infographic (REDO)


05. Information Design: Infographic (REDO)
