In 6 weeks, I needed to create a website, using the application Dreamweaver, a conceptual brand experience for a music band/artist of my choice. I picked Hozier. The site needed to be a marketing tool and had to be preformed in a experimental way.

The artist I picked is Hozier. He writes Indie music, and the album that I focused on, “Wasteland baby”, has a theme related to apocalypse and poetic decaying.

So I decided to do the website in the Art Nouveau aesthetic, as it is heavily tied to nature. It was an interesting experience, as I never tried to draw in this style and I never made websites. It was a great opportunity to learn new skills.
I have never done HTML and CSS coding before, and it was a very interesting skill to learn. In 6 weeks I managed to create a working website with zero prior knowledge. I looked for solutions on the internet and watched YouTube tutorials, but mostly experimented and went through a lot of trial-and-error to achieve the needed result. 
This has taught me a lot of patience and perseverance, since a lot of the time, the code was not working properly and I had to continue looking for solutions and ways to fix it.
Web design

Web design
