Margriet Jellema's profile

Jumana from the Storm

Jumana From the Storm
How do we help underwater animals regain their names? Natuurmuseum Fryslân (Nature Museum Fryslân).
School project  •  2021 •  Minor Game Design & 3D  •  9 weeks  •  Serious Game Design  •  2d & 3d illustration  •  Adobe Illustrator  •  Blender •  Research  •  Concepting
The project
The Nature Museum Fryslân is looking for a unique way to bring itself to the attention of potential visitors. It would be a nice addition if the solution is educational. We started with research and mapping the target group. We explored possible solutions and drafted concepts. A game concept was created called ‘Jumana from the storm’ and the design team developed the concept visually. The game includes a game book, visuals, different types of cards and a dice. With the game, the story of Jumana is read aloud. A storm has caused all the underwater animals to forget their names, the children's task is to help the animals return their names. This can be done by completing tasks.
My role and learning points
I participated in this project together with 4 fellow students. During this project, I mainly focused on creating 2d and 3d visualizations and also delved into how to make a concept appear powerful by applying visualization techniques. For the product, I created a 2d illustration for the book cover and a pair of playing cards. I created a 3d model of an ornament (a house) and a character (a fish). In creating these 3d models, I learned a lot about creating 3d models and how the 3d program functions.
Natuurmuseum Fryslân is looking for a way to bring itself to the attention of potential visitors. The solution should integrate one (or all) of the museum's characteristic parts/activities. The nature museum focuses its communication on those who make the decisions: parents, educators and teachers of children. The museum itself and its experience is aimed at children. The museum communicates in an educational manner and there is much for children to experience.
Our solution
Jumana from the storm is a narrative, educational physical game for elementary school groups about different creatures in the sea. The purpose of the game is to teach children from grades 3 to 6 more about the sea, to work together and solve problems. The Natuurmuseum Fryslân is highlighted by 'Jumana out of the storm' because the experience of the game matches the experience of the underwater safari from the museum and by locating the end of the game in the museum.
Sketches and Designs
Jumana from the Storm

Jumana from the Storm
