Idea Behind the Project:
So I enjoy the anime Demon Slayer. So I wanted to make something inspired by the first traning arc of the anime. So I choose to make a warding similar to Makomo's Warding mask as seen below. I decided to make some upgrades to the mask such as adding a PIR sensor (detects motion) which would be helpful when wearing one in the anime as the demons they fight are usually much faster than them and enjoy to surprises attack when allowed so the motion sensor alerting them of danger would be of the utmost importance for their survival.
The materials I used for this project are:
​​​​​​​- Air dry Foam
- Hot Glue
- Christmas Ribbon
- Acrylic Paint
- Wires
- Arduino Uno
- Motion Sensor
- NeoPixels
- Breadboard

 My Process is as followed:
1) I started by printing out a pattern and cutting it out
2) I placed the pattern on cardboard and cut that out
3) I glued the cardboard piece together and cut out "freckles" 
4) I put the air dry foam on top of my cardboard prototype
5) While the foam dried I started to work on my code to get the Neopixels to react to motion 
6) After it was completely dry I began to paint it
7) Then I glued on the ribbons and additional details 
8)Before attaching technology making sure to hide the wiring within ribbon

Work In Progress: 
Video I watched to put together the form prototype
- https://youtu.be/TLFX_wlITeE?si=f68u_enX3sfBcZni
I completed Steps  1 - 3. Reminder of steps
1) I started by printing out a pattern and cutting it out
2) I placed the pattern on cardboard and cut that out
3) I glued the cardboard piece together and cut out "freckles"
Above is showing Steps 4-8 completed
Reminder of the steps:
5) While the foam dried I started to work on my code to get the Neopixels to react to motion 
6) After it was completely dry I began to paint it
7) Then I glued on the ribbons and additional details 
8)Before attaching technology making sure to hide the wiring within ribbon
   Left is showing no Motion is detected                      Right is showing Motion is detected
            (Pink and Green (alternating))                                  (Blue and Purple (alternating))
Testing of the coding using Red as Motion detected and Green as No Motion detected
EDA of the schematic view (aka the techology part)
- PIR sensor
- 12 NeoPixels
- Arduino Uno
- 8 wires

Blooming Mask

Blooming Mask
